Today marks what is likely to be a key date in American history, as President Trump is sworn in for his second term in office. It’s historic, as only Grover Cleveland was given a non-consecutive term as president. And, with the 22nd Amendment in place, President Trump is now running the government without an eye towards his own reelection.
It is also a day we celebrate the legacy of Martin Luther King, Jr. The civil rights leader and Baptist minister spent his life trying to bring people together, and there are too many of his quotes that seem appropriate today for us to pick just one. Dr. King eventually gave his life for his beliefs. Let us all engage in a moment of silence.
As President Trump is sworn in today for his second term, we wanted to share some thoughts.
First, we should celebrate the peaceful transition of power. An election was held, results were respected, and the losing candidate even certified the election win of her opponent, despite significant differences of opinion between them. Peaceful transitions of power are a bedrock to American democracy, and this transition has highlighted how to accept a loss with grace.
Second, the American people wanted change, and they’ve wanted change for decades. Independent and third party candidates started gaining significant traction in the ‘90s, with Ross Perot’s showing of nearly 20%. President Clinton was seen as the change candidate, with his most famous quote during the election reflecting that he felt the economic pain of a constituent. Obama ran on change; Trump ran on change.
The American people are not happy with the status quo, and yet the entrenched members of both parties have ignored this call for two generations. Only ⅓ of Americans feel well represented by either party—it’s no wonder outsiders to the political establishment keep winning.
In fact, instead of listening, the two parties have bullied those who disagree with them. Names are thrown around when people have legitimate policy differences with them, and people are told they are wrong when bringing up their concerns—just look at the Harris campaign’s economic messaging. This leads us to…
Third, it’s important to listen to the American people and hear what they’re worried about. Nothing tops the list more than economic issues.
Over 60% of Americans can’t afford an unexpected $500 expense. We’re seeing the first generation reach the age of 30 worse off than their parents. Consumer prices were 22% higher in August of ‘24 than in January of ‘20. The cost of shelter alone went up 5.2% from June ‘23 to June ‘24. Healthcare costs go up significantly every year. At the same time, wages have been relatively stagnant for decades.
People can’t afford the major milestones in life anymore. They’re putting off buying homes, having kids, and retiring. They want this to change.
Fourth, while President Trump didn’t have an electoral landslide (he received under 50% of the popular vote), he is certainly a representative of change, and it’s why people voted for him at the ballot box. President Trump is divisive; change is divisive. It’s important that we view his actions through the lens of how well it reflects the desires of Americans.
Pres. Trump is going to take many divisive stances, and drive towards many divisive policies. Let’s not forget that that’s what the electorate sent him back to the White House to do.
When analyzing his actions, we need to view it through that lens. Is he improving the economic lives of Americans? If he takes action to do so, or ignores action that would, then we should make that case to the American people.
Forward can be the better alternative—the group that wants to improve Americans’ lives without the hateful rhetoric, cronyism, and corruption of the existing parties.
Fifth, nothing above should be taken as an excuse for his rhetoric. Language, especially from a President, can drive action. A key value of Forward is treating people with respect and dignity. President Trump regularly engages in language that dehumanizes and disrespects individuals. We as a people should be better than that. But, remember, just because President Trump uses language to describe a policy that doesn’t live up to who we, as Americans, should be, that doesn’t mean the underlying policy is bad, or that it won’t help Americans. Divorce his language from his policy, and treat each as warranting its own response.
Sixth, Trump’s cabinet is a mixed bag. He has many establishment figures (e.g., Rubio, Bessent, Burgum, Noem) that would be expected to maintain the status quo. He has many outsiders (RFK, Jr., Tulsi Gabbard, Muskaswamy as we plan to call the DOGE heads) who should be expected to shake things up. He also has an unprecedented 13 billionaires in senior positions, who may fight for improvements in the economic lives of most Americans, but certainly don’t experience the economic reality of many of them.
Will this group tackle America’s biggest problems and deliver on promises Pres. Trump made on his campaign? Will they lower the cost of living and grocery prices? Early statements made by Elon Musk and Pres. Trump suggest that people may be disappointed, but today is their first day to effect change, so we’ll need to see.
Forward Party was founded by people who believed that real change for Americans wouldn’t come from inside either of the legacy parties. We believe in dignity for all people, as represented through an expansion of the American Dream. We believe in the dynamism of America, as we embrace a growth agenda that is designed to share the fruits of our labor more broadly. And we believe in democracy, and the need to rebuild public trust.
President Trump has promised change, and we agree with him that it is needed. The American system has been corrupted by the legacy parties, and it’s no longer delivering for most Americans. As with all presidents, we hope that he will deliver the change that the American people want.
Based on his first term and how he conducted himself during his campaign, however, we are less than hopeful.
As we continue to grow the Forward Party, we invite everyone to help us build a new and positive force in American politics. We invite in Republicans, Democrats, Independents—all who want a better America. We’re listening, and we want to organize a new party that thrives on building each other up with ideas that have merit, ideas that will bring back the American dream.
Americans want change, but not all change is the right change. Any Party that refuses to listen, to grow, and to represent Americans doesn’t deserve your vote. The two legacy parties, for too long, have ignored you.
Come build one with us!