Eric Mulder

Colorado | State Senate SD-28, Candidate
Forward Party
Mulder is a US army veteran and a current board member of the Aurora Civic Engagement Commission.
Eric Mulder's Profile

Mulder is a US army veteran and a current board member of the Aurora Civic Engagement Commission.
A US Army veteran, Eric Mulder has the leadership qualities Coloradans want in the state senate. In February 2024, Mulder began serving on the board of the Aurora Civic Engagement Commission. He provides recommendations to Council and City management on the implementation of civic engagement programs. Moreover, he volunteers with the Aurora NAACP.
Mulder is running on electoral reform, such as ranked-choice voting and open primaries, as well as advocating for the restoration of legislative record keeping requirements. While Mulder faces an uphill battle in a safely blue district, his community leadership and pro-democracy stances make him a fantastic candidate for district 28.

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