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Forward Party in New Jersey Celebrates End of County Line

April 5, 2024

Activists and Members Acknowledge More Work to be Done

TRENTON, NJ: The Forward Party in New Jersey, a movement championing electoral and pro-democracy reform, celebrated the ruling striking down the state’s county line ballot system. A court ruling ends this decades-long practice of giving candidates who have the blessing of county leadership a preferred place on the ballot.

In Kim v. Hanlon, the court issued an injunction barring the use of the county line in New Jersey’s June 8 primary election. Instead, the Court ordered that the fairer “office block” ballot be used, as it is in almost every other state in the country. The credit for the victory goes to electoral reform activists who have fought for decades for fairer and more equitable elections in the Garden State.

Voters fought for a stronger democracy in New Jersey and voters will reap the benefits, according to Steve Barratt, Forward Party in New Jersey leader and reform activist. “Because of gerrymandering, the primary is often the only election that matters.  But with 80% or more of races in the primaries going uncontested because of the line, voters really have no opportunity to hold elected officials accountable.”

Even as New Jersey’s political machine takes a hit, reformers know there’s still much work to do. Despite a more competitive primary ballot in the future, the system still favors incumbent lawmakers who often face no competition. Primaries are still closed, and a small minority of voters still end up choosing the vast majority of candidates for office. Open, nonpartisan top 4 primaries will allow for more candidates to compete and for all voters to participate. Ranked Choice Voting will ensure that winners in the general election are the preference of a majority of voters.

The Forward Party of New Jersey is a movement dedicated to electoral reform and a democracy powered by its people. Founded in 2021, it works with reform activists across the state, holding non-partisan events and uniting voices to move New Jersey Forward.