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Forward Party Endorses John Avlon for US House NY-1

May 21, 2024

The Forward Party is excited to endorse John Avlon for the House seat in NY-1.

John is a reporter, author, and presidential historian, who has spent a lifetime studying America’s times of crisis. In each of these turbulent eras, unifying leadership was essential to preserving the nation, and so were the everyday efforts of ordinary citizens stepping up to take responsibility for our country. John is stepping up to provide unifying leadership in the face of rising extremism and partisanship.

His books include Independent Nation: How the Vital Center is Changing American Politics(2004), which explores the independent movement through the lens of the American people it represents. He has long been an advocate for independent voters and politics, embodying the Forward ethos.

With New York playing such a key role in the balance of power in the 2022 election, this race is surely one that will be watched across the country. As someone who embodies Forward’s values, we’re excited to endorse John Avlon’s run so he can lead his district with ethics and integrity.

You can view his launch ad on his Instagram here