Rep. Gaydos, the first PA Republican legislator and first member of the PA House to accept an affiliation with Forward, cited the Party’s opposition to extremists and drive towards seeking common ground
Leetsdale, PA – Pennsylvania State Representative from District 44 Valerie Gaydos (R) today publicly accepted the Forward Party’s endorsement in her reelection campaign. She is the first PA Republican legislator and the first member of the Pennsylvania House of Representatives to do so. She joins Senators Anthony Williams (D) and Lisa Boscola (D) as a Forward affiliate in the Pennsylvania legislature, giving Forward a bipartisan and bicameral presence. Forward plans to continue to build a presence to fight for common ground legislation to propel the Keystone State forward regardless of party affiliation.
National founding co-Chair and former Democratic presidential candidate Andrew Yang had this to say about the affiliation: “Pennsylvania played a key role in both the formation and preservation of the Union. This history leads to fantastic public servants arising from the state, and Representative Gaydos is no exception. Her tireless fighting for her constituents, and her desire to work with anyone who is willing to solve problems for Pennsylvanians, is just one reason that we’re proud to support her for re-election and as a Forward Party affiliate.”
In accepting the endorsement, Rep. Gaydos cited Forward’s core values—respect for the rule of law and the U.S. Constitution; using data and science to drive collaborative solutions; building from the bottom up, not the top down; and acting with ethics and integrity. “When I first heard of the Forward Party, I was intrigued by Gov. Whitman (R) and her willingness to form an organization with Republicans and Democrats to combat extremism and to work for the people. I believe in a republican form of government in which political authority comes from the people, not from politicians,” said Gaydos. “Furthermore, Forward’s focus to reduce toxicity in politics, to oppose extremism, and to seek common ground regardless of party affiliation appealed to my own approach to governance, which is to work with whomever will help me solve problems for my constituents. Thus, I am honored to be identified by Andrew Yang as an elected official who lives up to these values.”
Lindsey Drath, Forward Party CEO, was on site to celebrate the endorsement. “Rep. Gaydos has a long history of fighting for a more efficient and transparent government, and to make representatives more accountable to their constituents. She is a key member of the business community in the state, embodying the entrepreneurship that we prioritize in our elected officials. And her history of working towards bipartisan, common ground solutions to the problems facing her community means we couldn’t be more proud that she has signed our pledge and accepted our endorsement.”
The Pennsylvania Forward Party pledges to Put Humanity First; Commit to Data; Communicate with Integrity and Transparency; Operate with Grace and Tolerance; and Embrace Political Diversity. All of our candidates take our pledge reflecting these values, which can be read here ( The Forward Party welcomes candidates of all party registrations to sign the pledge and does not require candidates to change their party registration.
Pennsylvania is a key state for the Forward Party. Forward endorsed Allegheny County District Attorney Steve Zappala and County Executive Candidate Joe Rockey in in the ‘23 cycle. Craig Snyder, Arlen Specter’s former Chief of Staff, serves as the political director for the party in-state. Jim Greenwood, who represented Pennsylvania’s 8th Congressional District from 1993–1995, serves as the honorary Campaign Chair, and Christian Fyke was recently elected for a second term as the Chair of the Executive Committee.
If you’re interested in talking with the national leadership or the leadership of the PA team, please reach out to Natalie Medved at [email protected].
The Forward Party is bringing moderates, conservatives, and progressives together to heal our political divisions, find our shared ground, and create a brighter future for America. Forward Party candidates are accountable to the voters, and they will focus on solutions, not partisan fighting, in order to serve their constituents better.
For more information about the Forward Party, please read through our Prospectus and Fact Sheet.